Monday, 20 October 2014


Just finished reading a novel translated from Spanish: The Sound of Things Falling by Juan Gabriel Vásquez. I found it a good read, entertaining enough and hard to put down in places. It got me thinking about the process of translation. The book has really good flow, and flow depends not just on structure but also on the language used IMHO. So how much credit goes to Vásquez and how much to his translator, Anne McLean? Would a different translator have given me a vastly different reading experience?
It's the second translated novel I've read this year, the other one, Andrés Neuman's Traveller of the Century, also originally Spanish. The book itself (which is excellent, a more challenging read than Vásquez but for me more rewarding) touches on the topic through its two main characters, who translate poetry across various languages. 
It made me want to learn a language and read a novel in it. But I probably won't do that anytime soon. 
A former colleague has offered to convert Debtribution into Brazilian Portuguese, which is the closest I've come to the translation process. This project seems to have stalled; the title itself was a challenge. Must crack the whip on Lucio, make sure he gets his dedo out. 

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Cum for Sasquatch

Just spotted this book on Smashwords. Epic!
When Emilia is contracted to spend the weekend camping in the mountains on a journalistic search for Sasquatch, she never imagined she might actually find him. Emilia is about to discover that the mythological beast has all the desires of a human man, and he gets what he wants. Can Emilia survive the rough, sexy encounter with a monster that's truly larger than life?

Male flower

At least I'm guessing it's male

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Haters gonna write

Infographic of writers that hate each other. I'll know I've made it when another writer hates me. Maybe if I key the side of Dan Brown's car...

Wednesday, 18 June 2014


Finally published 'Debtribution' :D

A real relief to finally have it out there, exciting too.
For what it's worth, here's some things I've learned about the self-publishing ebook process.
  1. Despite being an attention whore for the most part, I get quite nervous when people tell me that they are going to read my work
  2. Getting a book onto amazon and smashwords is fairly painless :)
  3. Most people in Ireland still read print :(
  4. The buzz I get from each extra sale is possibly worth more than the $2 income it generates
  5. People wont respond to emails if they are bcc'd, but will if they are cc'd
Highly valuable information there. Be sure to use it wisely

Wednesday, 11 June 2014


'Debtribution' is up on Smashwords, and awaiting approval on Amazon. Once it's up there, I'll do a formal launch i.e. tell people on facebook that I've written a book. Oh the excitement.

Word of my skills travels fast - Smashwords have already asked me to carry out an interview for their website. Though in fairness it was an automated request for an automated interview.
Anyway, here are the results for anyone who might have an interest in such things.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Nearly there

I guess the 80:20 rule applies to writing too. I've spent over 8 months getting feedback, proof reading, editing, mailing publishers, formatting.
All the boring crappy stuff, which is why it took me so long. Also my house needs a lot of work etc.

Anyway, should be up in the next couple of days :D.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Submission is inevitable

So I submitted the first four chapters of Debtribution to an agent today - like a weight off my shoulders.
Fingers crossed!